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Sage Real Estate Co. is really enthused about Julian and the wonderful lifestyle we enjoy. One of my all time favorite events is the Daffodil Show. In 1990 one of Julian’s most delightful people, Sally Snipes, started planting daffodils in honor of her father. She and many volunteers have been planting Daffodils ever since. There are now over 4 million bulbs planted throughout our town for all to admire. Please visit the show to thank Sally for all she does for our community. Better yet, enter some of the blooms from your yard in the show. It is easy to enter and lots of fun!

- The Julian Daffodil Show is one of the neatest events in Julian.
- Hundreds of daffodils are judged by American Daffodil Society experts.
- Anyone can enter their daffodil blooms and everyone is encouraged to do so.
- Over 1000 blooms are featured.
- The varieties and beauty will amaze you!
- Awards for youth and adults will be bestowed.
- Daffodil art will also be on display.
- No knowledge of Daffodils is required.
- Watch for details each year for the next Julian Daffodil Show!