The Julian Historic District Guidelines
Chances are one of the reasons you love or are interested in Julian is the charm that the old town has. That is why most people are attracted to Julian and why most of the visitors come to Julian. If you are interested in owning property, or already own property in this unique historic area you need to know how it may affect you. Maintaining the historic look of Julian is the most important aspect for keeping Julian a thriving town and destination. Therefore the townsite area of Julian is a Designated Historic District. It is protected by the County Zoning Ordinance.

The Julian Architectural Review Board (ARB) consists of 7 Julian locals who are appointed by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and is tasked with the job of maintaining the historic look of the Julian Historic District. All new construction needs to be approved as appropriate for the district. Also any change made to the appearance of ANY building (historic or not) or parcel needs to be approved by the ARB. Some common items that need to be reviewed are roof replacements, new paint schemes, cutting of trees, adding solar panels, replacing windows, adding or changing fences, new business signs etc. Absolutely anything that is visual needs approval. Even the smallest details are important! It is not difficult to seek approval from the ARB. They meet once a month on the first Tuesday at 7:15 in the lower level of the Julian Town Hall. The Town Hall is located at the corner of Washington and Main Streets. Entrances to the lower level are on Washington and in the back of the building.
If you’d like to build in the Historic District or make a change to an existing building, follow this procedure:
Review the County design manual to find out what the requirements are.
Design your project to comply with the guidelines.
Request to be on the ARB agenda. The ARB contact info is always advertised in the Julian News. Pick up a copy at Sage Real Estate Co, on the corner of 4th and B Streets in Julian. Juli, the Broker, serves on the ARB and is very helpful.
Attend the meeting to request approval. You will find that the ARB is very helpful in giving suggestions and in assisting you with ideas that will work. Come prepared to the meeting with some photos and/or drawings of your building and what you are purposing to do. The ARB appreciates your efforts to keep the town historic and will help you in anyway they can.